We are requesting the following: 1) applications and other related documents be transmitted to our staff electronically, 2) any related payments for projects in a Historic District be submitted via our website (www.thempc.org) or by mail; and 3) applicants and members of the public call our office 24 hours in advance to schedule appointments with our staff members. Thank you in advance for your consideration and adherence to these guidelines as we work together to maintain the health of our community.
The MPC has resumed in-person meetings. The public may access all Board meetings by registering via the MPC’s website (https://www.thempc.org ) on the home page.
In order to participate in a meeting virtually, you must have access to a communications media device (such as a tablet, telephone or a computer equipped with a microphone) that will enable you to be heard by the Board and members of the public.
Members of the public wishing to address the Board during the public comments can submit written comments, call in, or speak in person. Those wishing to address the Board by telephone or virtually will need to pre-register for the meeting as set forth above or by calling the MPC office at (912) 651-1440, and providing their name, address, telephone number they will be using and email address. Once registered, a link with additional instructions will be emailed.
Each speaker will be allowed two-three minutes to provide comments, and then they may be muted at the direction of the Chairman, to move to the next speaker in the queue. The Chairman may elect to provide the speaker additional time to speak.
All written comments must be submitted by 9 a.m. two days prior to the scheduled Board meeting by emailing the respective Department Director. Alternatively, written comments may be delivered to the MPC’s office at 110 East State Street, Savannah, GA.
Applications may be submitted digitally in PDF format using the instructions below. If your email is larger than 15MB, please send an email to the appropriate Department contact to secure alternative submission arrangements.
For Planning Commission and City of Savannah Zoning Board of Appeals submit applications, plans and questions to planning@thempc.org.
For the Historic District Board of Review, Historic Preservation Commission, and Historic Site and Monument Commission, submit applications, plans and questions to historic@thempc.org.
The MPC is committed to following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as it relates to health protection. We ask that all residents, visitors, staff and volunteer Board members follow the CDC recommendations below:
For additional information, please see the CDC website or covid.gov.
We are encouraging everyone to remain diligent in following the guidance listed above. Additionally, we have asked that any person who believes they may have had contact with someone with the virus take the appropriate isolation/quarantine measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to others.
The MPC will remain open for business unless and until mandated to do otherwise by local, state, or federal authorities. We will continue to monitor Federal, State and Local agency recommendations, and will keep you informed of additional updates as they arise.
Melanie Wilson, Executive Director/CEO