Historic Preservation

Jonathan Mellon, Director Historic Preservation & Urban Design

The Historic Preservation Department protects and preserves the City of Savannah and Chatham County's historic resources through local zoning ordinances.

NOTICE: Per OCGA §8-2-26, detailed checklists of items are required to be submitted with each Development Application. Additionally, there is an affidavit at the end of the application and each checklist that must be signed and submitted as part of the application process. The completion of this affidavit certifies that ALL required items, including payment have been provided to the MPC at the time of application.

ALL COMPLETED APPLICATIONS SHALL BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING CENTRALIZED EMAIL ADDRESS: Historic@thempc.org. Please do not send your applications directly to staff members or their email addresses as this may cause processing delays. It is permissible to provide a copy to staff concurrently with submission of the application to Historic@thempc.org.

This process was adopted to aid in the review process for all types of development reviews in the state - for both the applicant and the reviewing body.

❖ Kensington Park - Groveland
    Conservation District (**New**)
Kensington Park Groveland Conservation District
❖ Yamacraw Village Section 106 Review

Yamacraw Village Section 106 Review
❖ MPC Disaster Preparedness Plan

MPC Disaster Preparedness Plan