Public involvement is crucial in the 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan update! You are the transportation system users and all the decisions made will affect your everyday life. We need
your input on updating the 2050 MTP. Your input will provide recommendations that reflect real world solutions to improve the overall quality of life for you and other residents in the region.
Please use the following methods to let us know what you think of our transportation system and what kind of improvements you would like to see.
Take the 2050 MTP Survey to provide your feedback on transportation investment priorities:
English Version
Versión en español
Phiên bản việt nam
Take the 2050 MTP Map Survey to report your travel problems of different modes and suggest solutions in specific locations:
2050 MTP Map Survey
Take the Freight Plan Surveys to let us know freight problems you encounter:
Freight Plan Update Survey
Freight Plan Update Map Survey
The Participation Plan describes the strategies and techniques that the Coastal Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (CORE MPO) uses to inform and engage the public in
transportation planning issues with the purpose of maximizing participation and effectiveness.
Review this Plan