Arthur A. Mendonsa Hearing Room June 2, 2009 1:30 PM Final Agenda
June 2, 2009 Regular MPC Board Meeting
Agenda Item #6

Petition to amend section 8-3025 (46) City of Savannah Zoning Ordinance


Text Amendment to the City of Savannah Zoning Ordinance
Re:  Amend Section 8-3025 sub section 46 (B & I use schedule). Amend text to include ice vending as a use by right under the guidelines of the abve referenced section.

Cadie McEachin, Petitioner
Meredith Gaunce, Agent
MPC File No.: Z – 090420-38821-2

Marcus Lotson, MPC Project Planner



The petitioner has requested that this item be removed from the Agenda and postponed to the June 16, 2009 Regular Meeting.

Summary of Variances

No variances are requested.

Additional Information