Arthur A. Mendonsa Hearing Room July 7, 2009 1:30 PM FINAL Agenda
July 7, 2009 Regular MPC Board Meeting
Agenda Item #4

Harvest Church of the Nazarene - 5995 Waters Avenue


5995 Waters Avenue
New Cellular WTF at Harvest Church of the Nazarene
Aldermanic District: 4
County Commission District: 1
Zoning District: R-6
Acres: 1.46
PIN: 2-0132-02-015
Harvest Church of the Nazarene, Owner
Fred Womble, SBA Network Services, Agent
MPC File No. T-090223-36211-2

Jack Butler, MPC Project Planner

Request to construct a "light pole" flush-mounted 100-foot wireless telecommunications facility behind a church in a residential neighborhood.


Staff has requested that this item be removed from the Agenda and postponed to the July 28, 2009 Regular Meeting.

Summary of Variances

Additional Information